Posterior quadratus lumborum block as analgesic technique in chronic hip pain: cohort study
BACKPosterior quadratus lumborum block as analgesic technique in chronic hip pain: cohort study
DATE & TIME: Dec 20 2024, 6:00 pm
Posterior quadratus lumborum block as analgesic technique in chronic hip pain: cohort study
The management of chronic hip pain requires accurate diagnosis and a multimodal approach. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of posterior quadratus lumborum block (QLB) on pain and quality of life in patients with chronic hip pain.
After Ethical Committee’s approval (PI 21-PI104 on June 26,2021) and register (Trial registration number: NCT04438265) we started this prospective, observational cohort study. We present the results of 100 patients affected of chronic hip pain (50 treated with posterior QLB as an analgesic technique and 50 control). Pain (numeric rating scale, NRS) and quality life (WOMAC scale) were assessed at baseline, after three weeks and three months.
There were no differences in demographic data. Pain (NRS mean value 7.28 /4.79) and quality of life (WOMAC mean value 54.31/35) for the QLB group patients improved at the third visit compared to baseline values (P value .001) and control group maintained the scores NRS 7.69/8.07 and WOMAC (61.10/61.3)(Figure 1). Forty patients exhibited an improvement in NRS pain scores and WOMAC quality life of scores of >50% at third month (ten patients more than one year), Fifteen less than 3 months. Only ten patients didn’t have any improvement. Table 1 shows the significance of the study. We observed that patients with avascular necrosis showed a minor improvement. Only two adverse events were registered (an unexpected spread and an allergic reaction)
Our results show that posterior QLB could represent a minimally invasive option in hip chronic pain.